Aillanna Mendoza, a 14-year old girl from San Leandro, is missing. She was last seen at her home in San Leandro at 11:30pm on Thursday, March 25th. She has no phone, no money and she is not familiar with public transportation. Aillana is 5’2″ tall and 145 lbs.
If you have any information, contact the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office at (510) 667-7721 or call our private investigative team at (877) 646-1614. Calls can be anonymous. You may also email
With your generous donations, we hire one of the best private investigative teams in the country for locating missing, at risk children. We have helped find and rescue 30 missing kids since we began operations 3 years ago. Law enforcement needs our help. Please consider donating today.
Let’s bring Aillanna home.